Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Affirmative Action A Set Of Procedures - 905 Words

Affirmative Action is defined as â€Å"a set of procedures designed to eliminate unlawful discrimination between applicants, remedy the results of such prior discrimination, and prevent such discrimination in the future. Applicants may be seeking admission to an educational program or looking for professional employment.† (â€Å"Affirmative Action†). Diversity within the communities, needed a way to be maintained in both school and places of work. Affirmative action was originally put in place to ensure that this happened. These programs were initially put in place over fifty years ago when the Voting Right Act of 1965 was passed. â€Å"In June 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8802 prohibiting government contractors from engaging in employment discrimination based on race, color or national origin.† (Parry and Finney). The United States, had still at the time, not been completely unsegregated and African Americans and others of color were not being treated equally. Especially, in the south where there were such thing as Jim Crow Laws, which were based on theory of white supremacy and were a reaction to Reconstruction. They were put in place during the Reconstruction of the south in order to prevent African Americans and newly freed slaves from having the same rights as their white counterparts. There was a fear that the whites’ had, of losing their jobs to the blacks. These laws were the the basis of and in place because of white supremacy and in placeShow MoreRelatedDiversity Management Focuses On The Heterogeneity Inside The Organizations1315 Words   |  6 Pagesexpansion of production, many companies are employing the assistance of affirmative action programs to enhance the opportunities of minority groups within the recruitment process and career progression spheres. 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